måndag 24 maj 2010

"The smell of Death was ever near"

Tidigare nämnda Lawless Darkness finns tydligen att ladda ner (Inserta gammal länk här) påstås det. Borde funka men jag har inte haft tillfälle att pröva själv.


Sede-utgåvans omslag, sägs det.

Vinyl-utgåvans omslag, sägs det.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Remove the link to download the album....

  2. Set: Jag tar det på engelska så alla fattar...

    Said and done, yeah. Saw yesterday that NCF put it up there and was just counting minutes until i was told to put it to sleep. But, from what i heard from other people that link went dead within a short amount of time. Even before NCF put it up here as far as i´m told. I´m in NO way in control over what the rest of the SS-squad links to here, they all got their own password and are all held responsible by their own moral and taste for what they put up on this site. It´s not for me to judge. As long as my own fucked up moral code can stand by it, it´ll stand. OK? I knew this link was dead so i didn´t think that there would be a problem. Och detta tar jag på Svenska... Köp plattan, No Download, No Rip-Off. Det kan jag garantera. Four Thrones äger. Total Funeral äger. Waters of Ain äger. Hela plattan äger. Okej, ni fattar? Köp.


  3. My bad. Got too excited.
