torsdag 11 mars 2010

No Speed No Punk III

Saxat från Skitsystems myspace angående No Speed No Punk-giget i Poland:

"THIS is nothing we will ever be proud of, and to be honest, Alex is really not the one to blame as you clearly can see, hes doing his best to keep things together...
Truthfully, never ever have we done such a disatrous performance, niether before or after (we actually did 6 more shows after this one, that were agreat succes!) and this merley shows the status of the band at this time, the constant fights over being sober finally drove three of us over the edge! After some years of "rehab" and other things we are gonna try to set things straight again and the upcoming show in Gothenburg will prove us, even though we nowdays act as a three piece, and we really hope to make things work out and hopefully we will be able to return to Poland to meet up the fans that got rejected by us last time.

We have been through really hard times, as a band and as persons, and the struggle to make ends meet with addictions (whatever they may have been) have worked out better when we did quit this stinking band, I guess someone should have pulled the emergency break earlier, we really didnt se what was coming our way, and REALLY, no one else but us want this to be undone more than we do! See it, laugh at it, make fun about it, do whatever, but this portraits a broken band and some, at that time, really fucked up individuals!

enjoy, and remember: NO SPEED, NO PUNK!

(Thanks Stor-Andy, for posting these videos!)"

//Fred System 
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